William Shedd: A Vision of God

Will the eagle that has soared in the open sky, that has gazed into the sun, endure to dwell in the dark cavern of the bat?69 If the vision of God were glorious to our minds, wouldn’t a return to the things of earth be reluctant?
…It is still not so easy and pleasant as it ought to be to walk with God. It is still too difficult for us to be happy in heaven. A foundation for heaven in our own minds is required in order to enjoy the heaven that is on high. That rational being who does not practice the meditations and enjoy the experiences of heaven will not be at home there and, therefore, will not go there. Is it supposable that a soul who never here on earth contemplated the divine character with pleasure will see that character in eternity, in peace and joy? Is it supposable that a human spirit filled with self-seeking and worldliness, destitute of devout and adoring meditations, will be taken among seraphim and cherubim when taken out of time? We will know then what we really love and what we really loathe. For whatever we think of with most relish here in time we will think of with most relish in eternity. Those who love to think of wealth and fame and sensual pleasure will think of wealth and fame and sensual pleasure in eternity. But those who, in any degree, love to think of God and Christ will think of God and Christ in eternity—where all such thought is music and peace and rest.
If our meditation on God is sweet here, it will be sweeter in eternity. And then our blessedness will be certain and secure, for no spirit can be made unblessed in any part of God’s vast dominions, if it really finds joy in the contemplation of the ever-present God.


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