
I remember when I was younger, wishing that time would pass because I was so dissatisfied with my current situation. Now,having crossed over the half century of life several years ago, I have come to appreciate today: to see today as a gift from God’s hand and an opportunity to serve and glorify Him. To simply find joy in today (Ps 118:24). This brings peace, contentment and an anticipation of what the Lord has for me…

“And He said, “Bring them here to Me.”” ((Matthew 14:18))

The feeding of the 5000…To the disciples, a daunting task; to Jesus a demonstration of God’s power. It all started with five loaves and two fish. So little, not much, so inadequate. But Jesus commanded, “Bring them here to Me.” And the miracle began.

I look at myself: so little, not much, so inadequate. Now if Jesus could begin with five loaves and two fish, could he not work through me if I obey His command, “Come unto Me…”?

“But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”” ((Matthew 14:27))

In my little boat, the tumults of life can be so over whelming. The winds are rough, the waves are high and my boat is rapidly filling with water. My being tends to be intensely focused upon the storm and its effects. I get discouraged and lose hope.

…Then Jesus comes, calmly walking upon the waters. His presence moves into my boat. He tells me, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” And all of a sudden, my heart knows peace. And comfort. And rest. I am in the presence of Jesus, God Almighty. The One who controls and sustains all. The One who loves and cares for someone even like me…


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