Posts by Pastor Stevens (Page 19)

Spurgeon: Paul’s Abounding 

There are many who know “how to be abased” who have not learned “how to abound.” When they are set upon the top of a pinnacle their heads grow dizzy, and they are ready to fall. The Christian far oftener disgraces his profession in prosperity than in adversity. It is a dangerous thing to be…

Brooks: God IS Near

He is not far from you. You must turn to him, and when you turn, his light is already shining full on you. What a great truth it is, how full of courage, this truth that we may go away from God, but God cannot go away from us! How God loves his own great…

MacArthur: The Decline of True Worship

In his book Worship, John MacArthur describes the fallout of the biblical illiteracy that permeates the church today: “Worship” aims to be as casual and as relaxed as possible, reflecting an easy familiarity with God unbefitting His transcendent majesty. This type of “worship” seems to aim chiefly at making sinners comfortable with the idea of…

MacArthur: Worship

Let me explain worship in a simple way. The deeper your understanding of the truth of God, the deeper your understanding of God Himself, the higher your worship goes. Worship is directly correlated to understanding. The richer your theology, the more full your grasp of biblical truth, the more elevated your worship becomes. You don’t…

Havergal: Serve Him Today

Begin at once; before you venture away from this quiet moment, ask your King to take you wholly into his service, and place all the hours of this day quite simply at his disposal, and ask him to make and keep you ready to do just exactly what he appoints. Never mind about tomorrow; one…

C. H. Spurgeon: Christ Our All

“[Christ’s] wisdom is our direction, his knowledge our instruction, his power our protection, his justice our surety, his love our comfort, his mercy our solace, and his immutability our trust. He makes no reserve, but opens the recesses of the Mount of God and bids us dig in its mines for the hidden treasures.”

Dr. E. Allen Griffith: Vote!

States and the Nation. It is well documented that many Christians do not consistently vote. The Bible says, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. Many believe those words of the Lord Jesus limit the relationship of the believer and government to simply paying taxes.…