When Waiting Is so Hard

Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him… (Psalm 37:7a)

The circumstances of life are tying me into a knot. There are all these appointments, news of more cancer and upcoming treatments. How can I find rest in all this? The psalmist tells us two things…

First, “rest in the Lord.” The Hebrew word translated “rest” means to be silent or be in a resting state. This silence or rest is not to function on its own. We are to rest “in the Lord.” Rest is not found in our own efforts or in family or in friends, but only in the Lord. It is simply a drawing near to Him and leaving everything, including our circumstance and ourselves at His feet. This is just pure and simple worship. This rest is not just the amount of sleep we get, but the time we spend in His presence.

Secondly, “wait patiently for Him.” The Hebrew words translated “wait patiently for” mean “put hope in.” This hope is not in us, our things or people, but in the Lord. And this makes all the difference. Only He is worthy to be waiting patiently for. For He offers the true power and help we need.

In verse 9 he states: “But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land”, that is, they will inherit the promises of God. These promises include: primarily eternal life, then peace, His love, rest and so much more.

So, in light of these truths, why do I struggle so under my circumstance? Why am I so impatient for my trials to end? Why can I not simply rest and wait patiently upon the Lord?

In Christ,

Pastor Stevens

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