VBC’s Easter Service, 2020

April 6, 2020

Dear Member or Friend,

I pray you are doing well and staying healthy, both physically and spiritually.

We will be live streaming our Easter Service on April 12 at 11 AM on our church’s Facebook page (facebook.com/Vicbappoc). I hope to do this from church if our internet is upgraded this week (otherwise, it will be from home). I will try to get our YouTube Live channel up also. We will be singing hymns. If you would like to sing along, the hymn books will be available for pickup by the church’s front door beginning Wednesday afternoon. Also, we will be observing the Lord’s Supper during the service (you will need to supply your own grape juice and crackers).

If you miss the live stream, I will post it on Facebook and YouTube. Also, I should be able to make DVD’s of the service. Let me know if you need a copy.

May the Lord bless and protect you, Pastor Stevens